Lake Champlain Sea Grant Invites Proposals for Research to Support Lake Champlain Basin
The Lake Champlain Sea Grant program has announced a Request for Proposals (RFP) for research projects aimed at supporting applicable research in and for the Lake Champlain Basin. The RFP invites applications from researchers who address one or more of our focus areas: healthy coastal ecosystems, resilient communities, environmental literacy and workforce development, and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Approximately $900,000 in funds are available, and researchers may apply for up to $100,000 of federal funds for one-year projects or $200,000 for two-year projects. All projects must include 50% non-federal matching funds. Download the RFP and other related forms.
This year’s RFP encourages proposals addressing climate change adaptation, flood resilience, water quality improvement, and habitat protection. Projects that integrate diverse knowledge systems—including Indigenous and local knowledge—and that consider environmental justice and economic resilience are particularly encouraged. The full list of research topics of interest is available in the RFP.
LCSG prioritizes projects that demonstrate clear societal impacts and that consider underrepresented communities in the Lake Champlain Basin. “Lake Champlain Sea Grant strives to fund research that makes a difference for the people and ecosystems of the basin,” said Anne Jefferson, LCSG Director. “Our focus is on fostering partnerships and generating results that address key knowledge gaps identified by our advisory committee and other partners.” Jefferson notes that Lake Champlain Sea Grant encourages researchers to engage with potential end users before submitting a proposal and to include resources for engagement and outreach in their proposal budgets.
The RFP is open to institutions of higher education, government agencies, nonprofits, and businesses conducting research in Vermont and New York’s Lake Champlain Basin. Letters of Intent are due by February 14, 2025, and full proposals by May 23, 2025. We will host a virtual Q&A session with the LCSG Director and Research Coordinator on Friday December 6 from 1–2pm. Register in advance for the Q&A.
The Vermont Water Resources and Lake Studies Center (VWRLSC) also recently released a call for proposals. VWRLSC will fund one-year projects of up to $50,000 focused on issues related to water resources in the State of Vermont from Vermont Colleges and Universities. Read the RFP.
If you have questions about either of these requests for proposals, please reach out to Gretchen.Nareff [at] uvm.edu (Gretchen Nareff).