Lake Champlain Sea Grant will be hosting a professional development training for K-12 teachers, watershed groups, and others interested in learning to support high quality stormwater education throughout the Lake Champlain basin and Vermont. Please reach out with any questions to Ashley Eaton, akeaton [at] (subject: Stormwater%20Education%20Trainings%20) .
Training for K-12 teachers, watershed professionals, and others with interest: Stormwater Education Methods (NR 5990 - 1 credit optional)
This course will allow participants to understand the key concepts of the Soaking Up Stormwater in the Lake Champlain Basin curriculum and to be able to effectively implement it with upper elementary, middle, or high school students, or other audiences interested in learning about stormwater. To become familiar with curriculum content, course participants will engage in hands-on learning to understand the definition of, sources of, and impacts of stormwater on surface water bodies. In addition, they will learn uses for and mechanism of operation for a variety of types of green stormwater infrastructure practices. The course will also provide participants with information about opportunities and steps to implement and maintain various green stormwater infrastructure practices. Those interested in signing up for 1 graduate credit may sign up through the University of Vermont summer course registration page. Those interested in participating in the 2-day workshop without signing up for graduate credit may register using this form. There is no cost for those not taking the course for credit. Those taking the course for credit must pay UVM's in or out of state tuition fees based on their place of residency. For more information contact: Ashley Eaton, akeaton [at] or Kris Stepenuck, kstepenu [at]
Community-based problem solving is an important aspect of the science curriculum at our school...lessons involving the water cycle, runoff, sources of pollution, and water filter design give students hands-on experience in understanding stormwater practices, like our school's rain garden, and how they help manage water from our impervious spaces.”
- Vasanthi Meyette, Shelburne Community School teacher