From the Director: Steering a Hopeful Course through Choppy Waters

By Anne Jefferson, Lake Champlain Sea Grant Director
February 11, 2025

February 1 marks the beginning of the year for Sea Grant programs, and so it’s a great time for me to reflect on what we accomplished at Lake Champlain Sea Grant in 2024 and to look ahead to the year to come.

In 2024, Lake Champlain Sea Grant continued its work to develop and share science-based knowledge to benefit the people, economies, and environment of the Lake Champlain basin. We are in the midst of compiling our annual reports, and we know there is a lot to celebrate from the work of Sea Grant’s staff, fellows, graduate students, and funded researchers. Some highlights from the past year include:

This year, in Washington, DC, there is an appetite for significant cost-cutting within federally funded programs. As one of 34 Sea Grant programs nationwide, Lake Champlain Sea Grant receives a portion of the annual appropriation to the National Sea Grant College Program. To receive our federal funding, we partner with local and state organizations to meet the legally required non-federal match of $1 dollar for every $2 federal dollars. Through our work, Lake Champlain Sea Grant brings over $15 million in economic benefit to the basin each year, a 5 to 1 return on federal investment. But dollars don’t tell the whole story; we work with over 200 partners, reach over 2000 K-12 students, and engage over 4800 basin residents in informal education opportunities each year.

As Congress and the Executive Branch resume work on federal budgets with an eye to cutting spending, we need recognition of the importance of the work that Lake Champlain Sea Grant does to sustain businesses, protect the environment, and afford career development opportunities, and that such work requires sufficient funding to continue.  Our partners and those we serve can help us make that case. Please connect with me at anne.jefferson [at] if you would be willing to help us educate our federal Legislators on the benefits Lake Champlain Sea Grant brings to you.

Despite some uncertainty ahead, as we have done for more than 25 years, Lake Champlain Sea Grant will continue to serve all of the people, businesses, and state and local leaders of the Lake Champlain basin. This spring, we have a suite of opportunities to get involved in our work for audiences of all types including:

With every partnership supported, community provided with resources, research finding informing management, and person educated, we come closer to reaching our vision of a future in which Basin communities anticipate and enable change for long-term ecosystem health and sustainable economic development.

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