PSA's by Lake Champlain Sea Grant
May 4, 2019
Waterbury, VT radio station, WDEV has a weekly spot for PSAs. Lake Champlain Sea Grant Program Extension Leader, Dr. Kristine Stepenuck creates occassional announcement about a variety of topics of importance to water quality. To date, these include information about raising the lawnmower blade to help reduce stormwater runoff, best practices for salting driveways and walkways during winter, and a general information explanation of phosphorus and its movement through the environment.
Take a listen, and we hope you learn something new!
Road salt: /seagrant/sites/default/files/uploads/Road_Salt_PSA_Stepenuck_2019_02_10_Final.mp3
Phosphorus: /seagrant/sites/default/files/uploads/UVM_Extension_PSA_2018_10_15.mp3
Raise the blade on lawnmowers: /seagrant/sites/default/files/uploads/HealthySoilsPSA.mp3