Demystifying FEMA and Floodplain Maps

- Learn from a Vermont rivers expert how to access and interpret FEMA, state flood hazard, and river corridor maps to determine if a property is at risk for flooding.
- Become informed about FEMA's National Flood Insurance Program requirements and benefits.
- Familiarize yourself with municipal and state regulations on existing properties within floodplains and river corridors.
- Develop an understanding of the natural behavior of rivers and how it informs state regulations.
- Meet your regional floodplain manager.
Eligible for 2 Vermont Real Estate License CE Credits
For more information and to schedule, contact michelle.lockhart [at] uvm.edu (Michelle Lockhart).
I will be taking a closer look at where properties lie on a map before viewing to identify if they may be at risk of any flooding. This will help me evaluate any potential risks while viewing properties with clients." – Real estate professional and workshop participant
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