Vermont Wetlands Identification and Regulation

- Understand how wetlands support water quality and protect properties from flooding.
- Learn how to identify wetland characteristics, state classifications, and conditions for development.
- Explore the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Atlas as a tool to locate wetlands.
- Become informed about permit requirements for site-specific conditions.
- Receive contact information for state specialists regarding wetland assessment and permit applications.
Eligible for 2 Vermont Real Estate License CE Credits
For more information and to schedule, contact michelle.lockhart [at] uvm.edu (Michelle Lockhart).
“Our ecologists are receiving a lot of calls and requests from realtors, so it seems like this workshop has been effective from our standpoint. Thank you!”
–Shannon Morrison, Vermont DEC Wetlands Ecologist and workshop presenter, March 17, 2021
I will help my clients sense the importance of stewardship of the wetlands, as opposed to considering wetlands only as reduced land value area.” –Real estate professional and workshop participant
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