Identifying and Describing Barriers to Upward Bound Students Entering the Environmental Workforce


February 1, 2024 to January 31, 2026


The goal of this project is to conduct empirical research on factors that influence environmental career aspirations among Upward Bound students at two universities in the Lake Champlain Basin. This research is building upon Lake Champlain Sea Grant's 2022 research project, Investigating Interventions to Increase Environmental Literacy Among K-12 Teachers and Students.

Specific research questions include:

  • What factors motivate or discourage Upward Bound students to pursue or not pursue environmental degree programs?
  • What factors inspire or discourage Upward Bound students from considering environmental careers?
  • What pivotal events, experiences, or other factors influenced the career choices of current members of the environmental workforce?


Leon Walls
Associate Professor, College of Education and Social Services, University of Vermont
Leon.Walls [at]